The CSedU team leverages the best practices from education, psychology and sociology to create innovative teaching techniques that improve student performance and retention. They are currently exploring computer science curriculum development, group programming and group interactions, integrating artificial intelligence as teaching assistants in classrooms, and ways to combine the depth of computer science with the needs of education.
Role: Founding member, active member, Status: active
Jekyll Theme for CSU-CS
The CSU-CS theme is based off the Brand Style Guidelines. It is meant for use of courses taught by the CS department at CSU, and students / faculty are also free to use it. Please follow th CSU Branding Styl Guidelines and copy info.
Role: Primary developer, Status: archive
Study card system based on principles of recall and learning, focusing on interleaving and spacing of topics within Computer Sciences.
Role: lead, Status: development
Northeastern University Grade Scope Utility
Alternative grading focused utility scripts for Grade Scope. Adds Tier Mastery grading, autograder build scripts, and test built scripts. Also adds common tests.
Role: lead, Status: development
Real Food and Health Magazine
RFH was the third food magazine on the kindle, focusing on sustainable living, recipes, and healthy lifestyles. It migrated to a blog in 2017.
Role: co-owner, tech, Status: closed
U.S. Soil
Starting in 1947, with Emil Lionelle, U.S. Soil promotes healthy lifestyles focused on the building blocks of life. Over 60 years and 5 generations later, it is still family owned and operated.
Role: co-owner, Status: active
Zybook Tester
Simple JUNIT "like" wrapper for Zylabs Unit Testing. Provides feedback for students in a standard format, so all tests will utilize that feedback. The goal is that you will develop tests locally using JUNIT, and then should be able to copy those tests to zylabs with only minimal modifications to work in the Zylabs environment.
Role: Primary developer, Status: archive